Access the 2020 Issue Brief:

Girls and Gender Expansive Youth and COVID-19


The Girls and Gender-Expansive Young People at The Margin

G@TM uses the term “marginalized” not to describe girls and gender-expansive young people, but to call attention to their treatment by decision makers, communities, families, and the systems charged with their care. Many are survivors of child sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and/or persistent neglect; many grow up in homes marked by domestic violence and other forms of childhood adversity. These challenges persist as they continue to experience violence, including becoming victims of sex trafficking. Many live in poverty as young adults, and many are young mothers with limited resources. As a result of childhood trauma, these young people may also become involved in foster care, juvenile justice, mental health, and multiple other systems, where they are often denied safe and supportive services appropriate to their needs. They are disproportionately young women and gender-expansive youth of color, identify as LGBQ, and/or are girls with disabilities.

Who We Are

Girls @ the Margin National Alliance (G@TM) is a connector of, and resource for, local, state, and national organizations and advocates working across sectors and systems to address root causes of the complex issues confronting marginalized girls, young women, and gender expansive youth.

What We Do

G@TM provides resources, support and connection to advocates, service providers and others working to center the wellbeing of girls and gender-expansive youth. Learn more about how to engage with us.