
Imaginative Leadership

Demanding that girls and gender expansive youth are valued and accepted by disrupting the status quo and generating shifts in structures of power. Responding to the critical need to address the oppression that girls at the margin face with imagination, creativity, humility, and strength. 

Centering marginalized girls and gender expansive youth

Centering the experiences of girls and gender expansive youth most impacted by social and systemic marginalization allows us to shift policy, practice and, ideally, social norms in practical ways that will benefit everyone.  

Amplifying the voices of girls and gender expansive youth

Ensuring that girls and gender expansive young people  are guiding and reflected in all aspects of our work. Creating spaces for youth to be heard where such opportunities are lacking or nonexistent. Utilizing our platforms to uplift them and their experiences. 

Conscientious Community

Creating a safe space where girls and gender expansive youth and those who advocate on their behalf can come together in solidarity, through authentic and respectful engagement, to receive support and encouragement, and work toward common goals of opportunity and liberation. 


Recognizing the power in communities and the importance of meeting the holistic needs of girls and gender expansive youth pushed to the margins, G@TM connects local, state, and federal efforts and stakeholders across systems and disciplines, to share resources, build capacity, and leverage collective public and political will toward real and permanent systemic change.